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Frequently Asked Questions

Kan ik meedoen in een andere groep dan waar ik op basis van mijn rating in zou mogen spelen?

Can I play in a different group than my rating would allow?

No, this is not possible. As organisers we have noticed that it is not enjoyable for people if they play someone with a rating too different from their own. Because of this, we have decided not to make exceptions in this regard. We will use the ratings of oktober 1st to do the seedings. 


​Until when can I deregister?

Until one week before the tournament it is possible to deregister and get your money back.


Do I need to bring my own chess pieces and clock?

No, the organisation will make sure that all necessary materials are on site.


When is the list of participants updated?

The list of participants will be updated weekly as of half september.


Can I get a letter of invitation for a visa?

Yes, if you are registered for the tournament and have completed your payment, you can contact the organisation for a Letter of Invitation.


Can I register without a KNSB/FIDE ID?

Yes! Although we do have to charge €12,50 extra, because we will have to register you with the federation.


I don't have a rating yet, do I automatically play in group D?

Generally yes, although seeding in a different group is possible based on extra information, like online chess accounts.


Why are the registration fees raised to 50 euros?

The Amsterdam Chess Open wants to become a bigger tournament in 2024. Because of this, we now have to pay taxes, which we did not have to last year. Amsterdam Chess Open also wants to facilitate a big prize-pool for all the groups, so every player feels like their games matter. Because of these reasons, we have decided on a registration cost of €50,-, but we are open to feedback on this regard.


Why has the location of the tournament changed?

The first edition was held in the relatively centrally located Cygnus Gymnasium. Unfortunately, we reached the capacity of this building last year, which is why we have gone out looking for other possibilities. This is how we have found the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, who have become our main sponsors this year. They open up their business campus to use as the location of the second Amsterdam Chess Open!

The second edition of the Amsterdam Chess Open is made possible by:

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Amsterdam Chess Open
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